Fix Me.

Emergency mode activated. I have to get myself out of this. My symptoms are the worst I’ve ever experienced. To get any sort of normal lifestyle back I’ve got to throw everything at this. 

My colitis is in flare. This means the inflammation in my colon is wild and my body is fighting itself. The inner lining of the last 35 cms of my body are inflammed, upset by anything that goes near them, ulcerated and sore. I can feel this pain 100% of the time in the lower front left side of my belly.

For context, 8 weeks ago I was a 4 x a week gym goer, super fit and love hit and spin. I work 8-5 daily (and the rest) on my own business. I’m a mum. A doer and a goer. 

Right now I’m living the basics. This is how I’m supporting myself right now to try and reduce my inflammation and get back to some sort of normal: 


  • All social plans cancelled for the foreseeable

  • Sleep maximisation (challenged by the drugs I’m taking bring on insomnia) : Epsom bath each night, self stomach massage, magnesium supplement , gratitude journal and melatonin: goal asleep by 9

  • BOUNDARIES: Don’t see or talk to anyone that causes me any stress 

  • Off social media and whatsapp

  • Short walk daily 

  • Gratitude and meditate on waking : meditation linked to how I wake up feeling / struggling - today it was acceptance 



  • Green soups

  • Berry smoothie 

  • Flaxseeds on everything 

  • Fish

  • Veg: sweet pot, greens, tomatoes 

  • Dairy free Greek yoghurt 

  • Fruits


  • Magnesium

  • B12

  • K2

  • Omega 3

  • Pro biotic

  • Slippery elm powder 

Drugs, daily

  • 40g prednisolone oral

  • Salofalk enema 2g 

  • Octasa 2400g


Everything I do is self funded and I am currently investing a lot in getting better. It is expensive.

Everyone’s colitis symptoms present differently and therefore care differs too. My plans won’t work for all. Be careful.


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